Monday, May 5, 2008


The last two weeks have been very bad weight wise- and this week's weigh-in doesn't show that it will look any better. I'll write again when there's good news to report!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Lot Late

Last week- 191! That was great.

Then.....this week was 194.7! The good news is that my muscle was back up with the weight, so that's not so bad. Our school will be extending our biggest loser game through May, so I have a little more time.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Little Late

Well, it took me a while to get to this- blame Chuck. (He'll tell you he's to blame for everything anyway!) We need a new keyboard. I hate typing on this one since one shift key doesn't work and half of the keys don't have the letters on them!
My numbers miraculously are exactly the same for both weeks: 193.8 lbs (+1.3), 39.1 fat(same), 41.4 (+.1), and muscle 45.4 (+.7). I like that the muscle is up, but would love for the rest to go down.
I'm hitting the very stressful time of year. I'm having a hard time keeping from eating, so I imagine the numbers will go up.
Thanks for checking on me!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easter break!

Since we are out of school this week, all I have are my home numbers, which weren't too good.
192.0 lbs (-2.4), 39.1 fat (+.5), 41.4 water (-.7), and 44.7 muscle (-2). You can see where I lost the two pounds at, but at least it's gone.

I'm afraid that it will only be for the moment, though, since I have Mom cooking for me! I'll post again on Friday so we can see if I've been good!

I am soooo ready to see a number with an 80 in it!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Be careful what you wish for!

Since I was bemoaning 192.6, my body decided to have a laugh this week.
194.4 lbs (+2.2), 38.6 fat (-.4), 42.1 water (+.6), 46.1 muscle (+1.6). I like the muscle being up, which is probably a result of getting in a few more workouts than the previous week, but still not up to my regular workout schedule. We have had rain and a couple of super windy days- definitely not conducive to walking.

I did do a personal best- about a mile and a half straight run (jog speed). I was on my own and only had a short time to workout, so I decided to just see how far I could go (after a warm-up, of course!) I planned on keeping running, but my body mutinied and just quit!

I plan to me more diligent on writing down my foods. I checked my food diary and it's been a month since I had written in it. That makes it easy to cheat! I thought I'd also report back every few days to let you know my points totals. I get 24 a day, plus 35 "extra" for the week if I want them, as well as points banked for exercise. I don't usually eat the banked points, but do get into my flex points most weeks. I'd drop a lot faster without those- but sometimes ya just gotta eat!

Thanks for checking in.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Yada, yada...

I've decided to weigh in twice a week. Friday I was 191 at school. Today I'm........3 guesses the first three don't count.......192.6. I won't even bore you with the other numbers. I'm dead even, which I guess is better than being up, but still fairly discouraging.

The good news is that I am better enough to work out, but now the weather isn't cooperating. We plan on walking tomorrow, maybe doing our intervals of running. (be ready, Ann Marie!)

Soooo....I'll get back to you on Friday, hopefully with better numbers!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nothing ever changes......

After a week of little exercise and being sick (still sick), the good news is that I didn't gain any.
The money scale remains the same- 195.5.

At home, there was a little variation: 192.6 lbs (-), 39.0 fat (+.6), 41.5 water (-.6), and muscle 45.1 (-.9). I don't like losing the muscle, since it will burn more calories. I'm not surprised by the fat since I haven't been working any off!

Sooo, if you're keeping track- that's down 8.4 total pounds since 1/15/08.

Temptation avoided today: a cinnamon roll and a donut!
(I picked the font color for how I'm feeling!)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Being sick stinks

I've got a cold, so I haven't exercised in four days. Between being sick and it raining, I've been stuck. I'm not looking forward to the weigh-in!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Little late....

I didn't get to do my morning home-scale ritual yesterday morning because I was running very late for work! However, I did weigh at school, and luckily didn't gain any, still at 195.5.

I had a hard week with eating since we had two late days at school with dinner provided. We also had a long weekend, so you know how tempting food can be when you are on "vacation"!

Anyway, here's the numbers: 192.6 lbs (+2.2), 38.4 fat (+.4), 42.1 water (-.4), and muscle 46.2 (even).

I would really like the numbers next week to be under 190 on both scales, so that's my goal! Jonah is home sick, so I just did a 3 mile walk/run. I am going to try to lower my intake a little as up my work-outs to include a little more weights. That should at least gain me a little muscle.

On the up side, I ordered a pair of size 16 pants from Coldwater Creek. They not only fit me, they are a little big! Wooh, Hooh!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I found the setting that enables you all to add comments without having an account- so comment away!

Tuesday weigh-in

Today was the first money weigh-in at school. The gal who won did so with over 6% weight loss for the month. She was hard to capture this month, but I have hope for the long haul. (slow and steady wins the race!)

Here's the numbers for today, and they are good! The money scale: 195.5, down close to 7 since the beginning. (I missed winning the two-week prize by .20%- the gal who won is a size 2, grrr....)

Home scale: 190.4 (-1.6), 38.0 fat (+.6), 42.5 water (-.8), and 46.2 muscle (-1.8).

I don't like being down on the muscle, but I'm working on it. I have added intervals of jogging two days a week. I ran about 9 minutes tonight since it was sprinkling and I wanted to get in something of value for the work-out!

I'll be keeping you posted.

A note about leaving comments: If you would rather not make a gmail account, you can always send me a comment on my email account: and I can upload it here.

However, just a small commercial for is really cool. It has a great spam catcher (I almost never get any!) and you never have to delete emails because it has unlimited space. But the best reason......most places of employment don't block it since it is from google, so you can check it anywhere! (just a thought!)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Oops! Sorry! The long awaited update

I've had quite a week, but here's the update.
2/5/08 home scale: 192.0 lbs (-10.8), 37.4 fat (-1.8), 43.3 (+1.2) water, and 48.0 (-1.3)muscle. The weight here is obviously good news. However, on the scale at school, heretofore to be named the money scale, I am only down 4 lbs. The first money pay-off is on Tuesday, so I'll let you know my specific percentage down then.

I have replaced the battery in my scale at home and it weighed exactly the same, so I'm not sure what that means. I am down nine total from my scale here, so I definitely like that number!

Friday, February 1, 2008


Got on the scale this morning at home. 193. Now who in the world loses almost 10 pounds in 2 days? (cus I got back on the scale on Wed. and it was still 202.8)

I don't know and I don't care. I'll dang well take it!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Well, today was the first "real" weigh-in at school for the biggest loser competition. The good news- I lost two pounds according to that weigh-in. The bad news- I only lost two pounds!

Now, I've also been weighing here at home with my "special" scale and posted those numbers for you last week. They were NOT good this week:
Weight-202.8 (+4.6!), fat-39.2(-.4), water-42.1(+.8), and muscle-49.3(+3.1).

The ugly is obviously that almost five pound gain from last week- that truthfully is inexplicable at this point. I will take the three pound muscle gain, since muscle weighs more than fat and takes up less space.

I'm going to weigh again tomorrow and hope it was just an imbalance in the scale or a fluke. I'll report that for you.

It looks like I'll have to lose about 15 pounds in order to win the first money weigh-in in two weeks. That's do-able, right?!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tuesday Weigh-in

So here's the new numbers:
Weight-198.2 (-2.8), fat-39.6 (+.5), water-41.3 (-.7), and muscle-46.2 (-2.3).
The minuses are good for weight, water, and fat, but bad for muscle. To be considered "healthy" for my height, the fat needs to be below 30lbs, so I have a ways to go on that.

I felt this was pretty good progress since I didn't get to walk much last week with having my injury.

Now, if I can just get through this weekend. Chuck's big youth event is this weekend at St.Simon's Island, Epworth by the Sea. They have GREAT food there! Soooo....I'm going to have to be very careful with my choices. I've walked all week so far, so will have to go every day to work off any extra I eat!

Pray for strength from temptation!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I'm HUNGRY!!!!!

I've been trying to fill up on the stuff that doesn't have many points- just not quite full most of the time yet! I get 24 a day, so you'd think that that would do it.....
We haven't gotten to the store yet for me to restock on some staples of dieting, like the 0 points progresso soup. I just remembered tonight one of my favorite desserts: peanut butter and sugar free chocolate syrup with apples. Nummmmmmmyyyyyy!

I messed up my ribs again, so haven't been doing much walking this week either- but I'll get back up on that tomorrow if I'm able.

I'll weigh again on my scale on Tuesday and report back then. Hopefully I won't be as hungry!
Thanks for checking in.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Biggest Loser Day 1

Ok folks! Here's the beginning of what I promised some of you. We are doing the biggest loser at school, and it started today. We will have biweekly weigh-ins for prizes and three money prizes totaling at least $250! Talk about incentive to do well! I will be telling you about my progress each week on my scales, as well as my progress at the school weigh-in.
Sooooooo, here's the first batch of numbers:
Biggest loser weigh-in: 202.1 lbs (yikes!)
Home weigh-in: 201 lbs, fat-39.1 lbs, water-42 lbs, and muscle-48.5 lbs. I'll explain more later about what those numbers should be!
I ask for your support and thoughts and prayers for me to stay strong. I fell walking with my friend yesterday. (surefooted llama, not!) I twisted my ankle slightly and bruised a rib. I'll be sidelined from walking for at least a few days. I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Welcome to my blog spot! Here I want all my family and friends to keep track of my progress in my weight loss and exercise program. Then you can post encouragement or kick my butt when I'm being bad!